
Creative Content Marketing Growth Hacks: Fueling Traffic, Engagement and Conversions


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Currently, two highly popular marketing trends are growth hacking and content marketing. Growth hacking focuses on leveraging creative strategies to accelerate product growth, while content marketing aims to expand reach and increase website traffic.

You’ve likely witnessed promising outcomes if you’ve already embraced either of these strategies in your marketing plan. But why not elevate your approach?

Below, we’ll explore five methods of creative content marketing agencies for implementing growth hacking tactics within your content marketing efforts.

1) Ensure your OpenGraph tags are Well-Organized

Virtually all social platforms rely on embedded OpenGraph HTML tags to create link previews, offering users a glimpse of your content before clicking through to the full post. These link previews are generated through a concise meta-tag code snippet found in your page’s HTML <head> section.

While configuring and testing these tags may require technical effort, the results are worthwhile. OpenGraph tags can enhance click-through rates. For WordPress users, the Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin effectively streamlines this process for major networks.

2) Utilize Microdata and Rich Snippets for Improved Visibility

While many are familiar with Google Authorship and its impact on click-through rates, the potential benefits extend beyond this. Microdata, also known as rich snippets, offer brief descriptive lines beneath search results, giving users insight into the page’s relevance.

If you possess HTML skills, you can customize these snippets to entice users effectively. Google provides tools like the Structured Data Testing Tool and Structured Data Markup Helper to assist in implementing rich snippets, making it surprisingly accessible.

3) Share your Business Data with your Readers

Readers love stories, and even more importantly, they love sharing compelling stories with their friends. Social sharing app Buffer is a company that is making their story public with a content hack built on their company’s business data, beyond telling their startup story, Buffer shares every detail about their business on their website, including employees’ salaries.

They have featured content about their business every week, including their revenue numbers, the website traffic and the key metrics associated with their company. They even display their content in real time using a public dashboard.

4) Boost your Website’s Speed to Enhance Traffic and User Engagement

Google’s Matt Cutts emphasizes the importance of site speed for search rankings. Visitors often abandon slow-loading sites within 10-20 seconds.

Explore Google’s web performance guide for optimization tips. If using WordPress, consider plugins like W3 Total Cache and Hammy. CloudFlare can also aid in load times.

Although optimizing site speed can be complex, it yields significant benefits.

5) Revitalize Existing Content

You can do so by repurposing it into an autoresponder email course for continuous engagement with subscribers. This approach has led to the acquisition of numerous new leads. Select a recurring theme from your blog, gather related posts, and schedule them in your email autoresponder for gradual delivery to subscribers.

Content hacking isn’t solely about gimmicks and tactics; it often requires dedicated effort at the keyboard. Ensure that top-notch content is the cornerstone of your content hacking endeavours, and you’ll steadily generate significant traffic over the long term. For expert guidance, consider contacting creative content marketing agencies like Motad to help fuel your conversions and traffic.