
Creative Digital Marketing Strategies for Real Results: Cracking the Code!


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Small business owners should prioritize straightforward digital marketing strategies over complex tactics like chatbots, A/B split tests, and intricate marketing funnels. When seeking the most effective approach, it’s essential to consider the expertise of a creative digital agency Dubai or the best digital marketing company. This post explores seven effective yet often overlooked strategies based on practical experience, focusing on practicality rather than trendy but complicated approaches.

1) Advertising via YouTube Videos

YouTube ranks as the world’s third-largest search engine, where people seek solutions to problems. A prime example is the 17,000 monthly global searches for “makeup for beginners.” Creating videos offering makeup tips and product recommendations benefits retailers and affiliates. To reach a broader audience:

  • Remember that Google displays video results for many searches.
  • For relevant YouTube topics, explore broad keywords using focusing on genuinely helpful, non-promotional content to achieve substantial results regarding views and customer acquisition.
  • Refer to YouTube SEO guide for further guidance.

2) SEO-driven Blogging

Blogging is more than documenting daily activities; it’s about engaging your audience. To avoid an empty business blog, focus on topics your target customers actively search for. Incorporate product solutions within these articles. This strategy is applicable across various industries, like real estate, where addressing real-world issues attracts an interested audience.

3) Podcast your Business

Podcasting for business promotion offers two approaches: creating your podcast, which aids brand building but may require time and resources and getting interviewed on established podcasts. The latter is accessible to anyone with industry knowledge and a willingness to share valuable insights. Using tools like Ahrefs Site Explorer, you can identify relevant podcasts featuring industry peers and pitch yourself as a guest to broaden your reach. Be aware that podcasters may link to social profiles and websites, so it’s worth exploring both avenues.

4) E-Marketing

We drive significant blog traffic through our newsletter, thanks to years of building a substantial subscriber base. If you’re considering email marketing, now is the time. To start, focus on generating site traffic, mainly through SEO-driven blogging. Convincing visitors to join your newsletter involves offering something of value, like content upgrades or lead magnets. Ongoing list-building and consistent engagement are key. A responsive, engaged email list is built over time, irrespective of its size, by consistently providing valuable information to subscribers.

5) Sponsored ads

Many small businesses avoid paid ads due to the misconception of them being “free.” However, successful paid advertising relies on assessing your Audience, Budget, and Commerciality. Identify your target platform and budget wisely. Consider cost-effective keywords and alternative platforms like Facebook and Twitter if your audience resides there.

Achieving digital marketing success today hinges on embracing the consumer’s perspective, especially when working with a creative digital agency Dubai or the best digital marketing company. Instead of hard selling, offer free, relevant, and valuable content that addresses their needs. This approach has proven effective for us at the MOTAD blog. Take one strategy at a time, master it, and then explore others.